
Lin's Memorial Guestbook

I just found out today, 09/27/2019, about Lin's passing - and I'm blown away.

I worked with Lin at the Charleston "Poopy Plant" as a graduate student intern and she (along with everyone else) was really good to me.

I made the mistake of calling her "Linda" once. Just. One. Time. It was a mistake ... but (without saying a word) the look she gave me told me, "never again." Thankfully, she didn't decide to hate me from that one little slip - but it did not happen again. Ever. :)

One day at the lab, I remember her sucking up bug killer crystals in the vacuum before sucking up a spider. I asked her why she did it - and she simply informed me that she wanted to make sure it didn't crawl back out. I'd never thought about it before - but she changed my mindset on vacuuming up spiders without making sure they died while in the vacuum bag!

She turned me onto focaccia bread dipped in marinara sauce, and those Campbell's soups drinks that she drank every day in the lab. She also introduced me to music in the park nights and was invaluable the day before my wedding - she kept me sane allllll day long. After I moved to New Mexico and hadn't heard from her for some time, I asked my Mom to call on her and find out "why" Lin hadn't answered my emails. The first line of the email she wrote was, "I can't believe you turned me into your Mom!" I simply told her that I would continue to sic my Mom on her if she didn't answer my emails again ....

We lost track of one another as life moved forward, each of us moving a couple of times; and life got interesting for me for a while ... but I never forgot about Lin. I just got lazy (*she* should have sic'd *my* Mom on *me*). But, as I hadn't heard from her for quite a long time, I decided to check in on her again - only to find out that she had moved once final time.

While my heart breaks that I didn't keep in better contact with her and only just found out about her passing - I rejoice in knowing that her final move was into the waiting arms of Jesus.

I miss you, Lin and will always cherish the friendship that you willingly offered to me. I love you.

Added: September 28, 2019
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Linda's presence is still missed by many people in many ways. When I hear her name spoken, my thoughts immediately go back to our high school days. She and I spent many hours of craziness in the "yearbook" room, a tiny room where we actually did work on the yearbook at times! We laughed about everything and everyone. Normal every day happenings became humorous to us as we added our own twist. Linda had that dry sarcastic humor - she was hilarious!
We both decided to be healthier, so we brought our lunches and ate together in that same room. Linda had a way of making a small amount of tuna into a large bowl of "something"!
As everyone knows, Linda was also intelligent - way intelligent! She knocked me from my 1st place perch to 2nd without opening a book. (remember, Odin, small classes). We were such friends it never bothered me, and her humility was unreal.
Linda had a party in her basement once - girls only - and while I won't share all the secrets, I will say there was a hiding place in one of the basement windows! What a night!
After graduation we both attended EIU. Our lives were very different then, but I did see her a few times and went to the lake with her and Sue. Linda was still Linda.
The last few years we e-mailed occasionally just to stay in touch. She would update me about her life and her precious daughter and grandchildren. I realized after her death, that the e-mails stopped because she was ill and choosing not to share. Knowing Linda, I was not surprised at her choice.
For some reason, I found writing these memories earlier difficult. But today, it just seemed right.

Love to Linda's family, she was a special friend.

Marsha Kelly

Added: December 20, 2018
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Lin was a force of nature. She just pulled us all along for the ride. My heart is with you. We will miss the thought that she is still around making dollars drop from trees like coupons, and gifting everyone out of the goodness of her heart. I lift a glass of tomato juice and Lite to an indomitable, funny, purposeful, kind and loving child of God. And Molly, what a beautiful tribute to your Mom - your voice is still crystal clear dearness! Love you - Aunt Gaye

Added: March 3, 2018
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We are part of Lin's "extended family" in the hills of West Virginia. Lin's caring and big heart made a difference here, too. Whether it was sharing with family, faithfully helping at Christ's Kitchen, or even helping to care for animals in need, Lin was always there to help in any way that she could.

Added: February 28, 2018
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I loved my big sis with all my heart, shr was the very core of all of us, taught me to always put yourself before others, always walked tge walk, miss her like crazy but im also never eithout her spirit, we will see her again..

Added: February 23, 2018
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Such a lovely tribute to Lin. She was my dear friend and I will miss her.
Steve, Molly & family and the Catalana family,
I am so sorry for your loss.

Added: February 14, 2018
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Deer back here in Illinois seem to know when hunting season ends. They lately have been venturing out 15 or 20 at a time to forage in the corn stubble in front of our home. Ruth said we should buy some feed for them. A couple of days later Jim notified me of Lin's passing. The loving words Jim shared about his sister will stay with us always. Thank you also for sharing these wonderful photos. They tell a story that will be shared by your family through the generations, the story of a life suitable for framing. Ruth and Chuck Gallas

Added: February 9, 2018
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You have always been so wonderful to the kids and I. I am so thankful to have known you and your family in my life. Thank you Linda, for everything. Love and hugs for Steve and Molly.

Added: February 8, 2018
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I enjoyed seeing Linda at Chuck's wedding. I also enjoyed the photos of her on this site. Great memories I'm sure. Thanks for sharing this with her classmates. I've always thought highly of her. God Bless Linda.

Added: February 7, 2018
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I never met Lin, but I can well imagine the wonderful person she was by the kind of person Steve has always been. I'm so sorry for your loss, Steve. From your wonderful tribute, she is indeed cavorting with Dad's angels. May God bless you and your family in your time of grief.

Admin reply: Thanks, Steve. Appreciated.

Added: February 7, 2018
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