Memorial Tales & Pics

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* Very much a work in progress. More pics with fuller captions and 'Lin Tales' to be added ASAP.*

Nov. 2013


"Letting Go"

May, 2009

(approx.) 2009

(approx.) 2009

April, 2010

Lin with Angel

At Carey's wedding

At Carey's wedding

At Grand Canyon

At Grand Canyon

Myrtle Beach 2008

Myrtle Beach 2008

Myrtle Beach 2008

Myrtle Beach 2008

Myrtle Beach 2008

Myrtle Beach 2008

Myrtle Beach 2008

Mother's Day 2013

Myrtle Beach 2008

With Mike "Porky" Cooper

Titmouse window strike

Titmouse window strike

Yellow-rumped Warbler window strike

Sep. 2013

Jan. 2016

7 Catalanas

the whole family





She was the kindest, most charitable, most generous and giving person that any of us could ever hope to meet in our lifetime. My beautiful sister, Linda, cared for all creatures, from injured or starving animals to strangers who were hurting or suffering in any way. She could never turn away. It was her life's work to feed, to nurture and to comfort. Her heart was as big as the supermoon that lit the sky the morning of her last day on this earth. Linda was the soul of our family and she was loved and cherished by everyone who knew her. Our hearts are broken. The tears are never ending. Heaven is singing.

Love you more, Sis. -- Mary Catalana

Can't sleep tonight.
So filled with thoughts of Lin
I'm putting it on paper with the use of a pen.
The words just fell out of my lonely heart
Only comforted to know that we won't always be apart.
Someday we will all be together
And the grief will no longer be.
Our heavy hearts will instead be filled with glee.
And as I say my prayers, and say my goodnights
I'm thankful for another day that you are free.
Free of the batle that was so tough to fight.

-- Toni Catalana

Lin and I loved Homicide Hunter: Joe Kenda. We even watched at The Kids' house in AZ. She would record them and then at night we'd watch the show. A couple of weeks before we lost her, she texted me to let me know there was a marathon of the show that day.
So Lin, this quote is for you "Well my, my, my."
Love and miss you.

Martha Keene

Front Door  ~  Guestbook

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